Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This photo was a bit crooked so i straightened it out, by rotating and cropping it. I then adjusted the shadows and lightened the photo. Then I used the burn tool to darken some of the cloud to contrast the brighter parts of cloud.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I cropped the image and straightened it,then darkened the picture. The back wall was to bright so i used the burn tool to darken specific areas. Using the rule of thirds I chose the girl with her arms up as the focal point then brightened her using the doge tool.

This image did not need straightening but i did crop out the for sale sign, after resizing the photo. Then I adjusted the shadows to bring out the background. I then found the inside to be to dark so I lightened the inside of the of the car using the doge tool.
Introduction to digital media
1. Digital media- media that works by using electronic codes.  
2. Videogames, televisions and blogging.
3. Digital photography- Fixing and manipulating photographs taken with a digital camera.
Computer image creation- Using computer programs to manipulate drawings digitally.
Interactive multimedia – computer based systems that respond to the user’s actions.
Digital video and film production-instead of using film; videos are taken and recorded digitally.
Web design- Creating a website using a layout of graphics, text and images.
Digital animation-using computers to create moving images.
Digital sound technology-sound reproduction- Digital signals, for sound reproduction using pulse-code modulation.
Graphic design for print and web- where graphic designers create designs for things like magazines, news papers or websites.
Three more examples of Digital media are:
Cell phones, video games and e-books.